Nikhil Varma is an Academician, Entrepreneur, and Designer of Blockchain-based business models. He is currently involved in several technology startups and serves as an Associate Professor at Ramapo College of New Jersey. He holds an MBA & PhD from the University of Montreal. 

In this podcast episode, my former college Professor Nikhil Varma joins the show to discuss the impact that Blockchain, Decentralization, and Cryptocurrency will have on the business landscape in the years to come. 

Professor Varma has been giving lectures on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency years before these subjects became so popular. As such, I thought he would be a great guest to have on to explain the key concepts behind blockchain and the transition from Web 2.0 to 3.0 and the impact this will have on businesses and society in the near future. 

If you have been hearing a lot about these topics and want a clear overview of what this all means, you are going to get a lot of value from this interview. 

Some of the Topics We Discussed Include: 

To keep up with Nikhil Varma’s latest thoughts on Blockchain, you can connect with him on the below platforms. 

Connect with Nikhil Varma on LinkedIn 

Follow Nikhil Varma on Twitter

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Bailey Canning is an advertising professional based in Boulder, Colorado. He started Inbound Web Development to work directly with businesses to create conversion focused websites & innovative digital marketing campaigns.