Eric Reilly is a financial technology professional who manages a team that supports next-generation banking software. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology Management from Bloomsburg University in 2019. Outside of his day job, Eric’s interests also include blockchain, entrepreneurship, finance, and personal development.

As a tech-focused marketing entrepreneur, I wanted to bring on Eric to discuss the changing landscape of the internet and what impacts this will have on the future of digital marketing. Specifically, we talk about the current transition from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 and what companies need to know to get ahead of this major change. 

Some of The Topics Discussed Include: 

You can keep up with Eric by following him on Instagram @ricksdoinit

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Bailey Canning is an advertising professional based in Boulder, Colorado. He started Inbound Web Development to work directly with businesses to create conversion focused websites & innovative digital marketing campaigns.